How Do You Account For Gender With Vo2 Mac

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This statement was based on mounting evidence that lower fitness levels are associated with high risk of cardiovascular disease, all-cause mortality, and mortality rates stemming from various types of cancers. In addition to risk assessment, the AHA recommendation cited the value measuring fitness for validating, counseling, and improving both patient management and patient health.


Looking for biological differences A natural question to ask is: do men and women differ with respect to these three traits? For VO2max, the answer is yes. The average VO2max is about 33 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute for sedentary young women and around 42 ml/kg/min for sedentary young men (). Elite female distance runners can sometimes reach VO2max readings of 70+ ml/kg/min (), whereas elite men can attain values in the 80s ().

This enables the athlete to run faster and longer. However, there is a maximum limit after which the amount of oxygen taken in does not increase. This level is the VO2 max for that runner. The higher the VO2 max, the better it is for the runner. The measuring units VO2 max is expressed in ml per kg of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min), which usually ranges between 30-55 for normal human beings depending on age, gender, the running altitude and fitness level of the athlete. (Although seasoned athletes can have their VO2 max as high as 90-98) The World record for the highest VO2 max level is held by cyclist Oskar Svendsen touching 97.5.

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VO2 (or oxygen consumption) is a measure of the volume of oxygen that is used by your body to convert the energy from the food you eat into the energy molecules, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), that your body uses at the cellular level. VO2max (or maximal oxygen consumption) is simply the maximum possible VO2 that a given person can achieve.

If we were to race two cars, one a dragster with a large engine and the second a stock car with a much smaller engine, which one would win? Best mac foundation for oily skin. You can’t say. If we raced them a quarter mile down a drag strip, the dragster with a larger engine would win. However, if we raced them 400 miles, the stock car would win even with a smaller engine. The dragster may be fast for short bursts, but it can’t maintain its speed for an extended period of time. The same is true with two cyclists. If Bill had a high VO2max but a moderate LT, and Tom had a moderate VO2max but a ridiculously high LT, Tom would likely find himself victorious in a head to head race up L’Alpe d’Huez.